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Thursday, August 27, 2009

♥ Exams over! Time for story!!!!

Finally the exams are over and i can concentrate on my story, but the thing is, EOY is coming up again. It's like an endless cycle of devestating things. Ytd was full of tears, not going ot tell why, -it's private- and well, ah crap. not going on with this. So completing my story in chap 5. may end it in chap 10 or so. too long a book if i write more. =) so this is IT lesson and i wanna go play facebook. okay, blabbering here. so elated coz i finally got my pass word and username rite. too long a time since i came in here. created a new blog and account for nothing. zzzz


Monday, February 2, 2009

♥ Back

It's been long sicnce i've posted n now posting frm sch com,nothing 2 post today.when squid is back i'm so killing him humph


Monday, December 29, 2008

♥ dun ever put my name ther

-A test i needed 2 do frm Wen Xin-

1. What's your full name?
Ang Yu Ting

2. Do you like your sur-name?
On some occasions,yea.

3. How long have you like the person you currently like?
First,i dun like any1.So,ther is no how long to it.

4. Have you kissed any1 in the last 48 hours?
YES! MY MOTHER!i was thanking her 4 my b'day present.

5. Did you cry 2day?
No,y shd i?every1 shd be cheerful!

6. What are you doin this mornin at 8am?
Erm,sleeping,since i slept at 2.30 am-.-

7. What are you doing an hour ago
Cleanin my room -.-

8. What are you currently doin?
Doing these questions and fallin asleep due 2 the ques.

9. Who last texted you?

10.Have you told any1 u love them 2day?
Yea,my parents

11. D0 you miss any1 now?
Yea,my dad.

12. Any plans 4 tmr?
Hope so.

13. What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
I can't ever find the time i last cried during the last 4 mths.

14. Is there any1 you wanna be wif now?
Yea,my dad,so he cn celebrate my b'day wif me.

15. Have you kiss any1 who's name start wif a 'c'?
yea, my cousin when we were 2,does tt count?-.-

16. Name somebody who makes you smile 2day
Tricia,my mother,my friends(priscia,melissa...),my aunts and my grandmother. =)

17. Name a frew whose name start with a 'z'.
Can't remember.

18. Which of your frew stays closer 2 u?
Melissa n Wanessa.they just live 1 floor below

19. Do you prefer 2 call of text?
No preference

20. Was ytd better than 2day?
Nope,coz it's my b'day 2day.

21. Can you live a day without ur tv n ur phone?
Are you kiddin me?!i spent 2 whole mths without my hp,com N tv(snatched away).

22. Are you mad bout anythin now?
Nope,just celebrating my much cold b'day. =)

23. Do you think tt relationships are really worth it?
Yea!Friendship's relationship(means being frews) is the most important!

24. Last person u visited in a hospital

25. When is your last n second last hug?
Last n second las hug: today

26. What is the last msg in ur inbox says?
Doesn matter wad is it

27. How do you feel bout life now?
Feel it as a never endin cycle of happiness and sorrowness. =)

28. Do you hate any1?
As in a person?No.

29. Last person you called?
Didn call any1.

30. Who usually send the most text in a mth?
I didn sms 4 2 mths,so i dun noe.

31. Is ur room messy now.
NO!as i just stated in Q7. -.-

32. Who would be mad if ur room is messy.
No idea,it wasn messy until i do arts n craft n it

33. Ur shortest relationship?
Dun remember havin bein wif a frew 4 a short tim, min. was a yr.

34. Who do u look like?
My parents.duh, -.-

35. Tagg 5 ppl 2 do this quest.
2. Hweeshi jie
3. Terry
4. Jia Yun
5. Qu Wen



Tuesday, December 2, 2008

♥ advanture!!!!!

(4th shu mu and 4th shu gong referred as aunt and uncle)wow,i'm so bored in the old farm,stuck ther coz i can't wake up early enuf 2 catch my dad coming here(new farm) old farm's com both down,can't on9 unless i'm here.anw,dun mention all these sad sad things -heehee-so my uncle,aunt,mum and i took an advanture.we went out opp.the old farm took a bus down to weifang bus interchange and n took a bus 2 qingdao. my butt sore leh,sit so long,frm old farm-wei fang (1/2 hour) wei fang-qingdao(2 1/2 - 3 hour) after tt took pictures on my aunt's cam,never bring here,so no pictures yet.anw,we took a ferry and witness some every ineresting sites,the tour guide so funny,she says that 'gd 1 pls tell, no gd pls dun tell,er u get wad i mean' tt's wad she said,so after the ferry,ther were 2 buses,one is 2 go 4 another (play/fun tour) or go straight back to the port,since it's cold,(i didn think so)we went back,the tour guide not happy, den bring us to the temple and throw us ther,never come back.luckily it's near the trian station and i took photos ther,well, we still went back,bought sea-shells and lots lots lots LOTS of cuttlefish,octopus to eat,sigh 300-400 ren ming bi lyk tt gone. (mostly 4 my aunt n uncle)nvm,the building ther is just splended!!!!lyk europe,u guys will get wadda mean when u c the photos.-longing 2 go eruope- so magical when along the sea side,it's lyk -ignore the old buildings and u'll find urself transported into eruope-FUN!!!on the way back which is lyk 6pm,it's alreadly VERY VERY dark,we took a bus home 2 wei fang,onli 5 ppl.-scary-we watched -coughs-King-coughs-Kong... ERM,WANNA MAKE THIS CLEAR,IT IS VERY KIND OK,so dun make fun of -coughs-u noe who i'm talking bout.indeed it was a nice show and it was very kind 2 the lady,obviously tricia IS MUCH MUCH MORE BETTER than it.so just save tt ridiculous nonsense bout her!so, tt's bout all! ^^ tricia,i miss you so much!pls on9 soon!c u at thrusday if possible, oh ya,tmr it's gonna be snowing i think,tt's wad it's saying and we'll hav another trip agn next time,maybe tmr! ^^



Thursday, November 27, 2008

♥ stuck....photo time!

vulture n bunny?
eagle / vulture?snake or...actually, i dun even noe wad this is

seal n bunny

eagle or vulture?

erm,snake n bunny

me hitting his head

okokokok,,this IS GD!!!!this is the shadow game,heehee.time 4 a break frm those learning journal tt u ppl are lookin,this is WB n me..

winter melon in the abandoned pig style(not really style,erm house would be a better word)
this is er...water too,de-sumthing..^^it froze,i can even stand on it,almost fell,-splat-

o0,the water outside FROZE!!!!???well,must be santa,whoosh and froze the water 2 remind us 2 bring cookies 4 him

kao ya ^^
they bought a machine 2 kao things,here, is a..erm... kao rou,ya
ok,this,he is tying 2 use my bottle,he cant make the splash,trying hard 2 press,-heehee-WRONG SIDE WB!!!
mi gramps n candy shot

o0,open wide!!!the train is coming near!!!^^(peng xi,WB's bro)
candy shot
candy shot
candy shots

potato in a basket

candy shot
candy shot

o0 potatos
many many sacks of potato.
THE jian bing
take a CLOSER LOOK-magnified-

o0,packed carrots n vege
ah...orderly,fruits n nuts
beautiful bean sprouts
this is the street name tt my gramps had been goin since 16 yrs ago
look at those pretty big vegetables
their weighing machine
ok..frm this on is my potography skills-heehee-
wow!bright red tomatos!!!wonderful isn't it?! (m.t)
how my 4th shu mu pay 4 the vegetables (m.t)

can be known as cousin... WEN BING-tt dao dan little rasal^^-ltr known as WB (m.t)
market (m.t)
market (m.t)
BING TANG HU LU!!!!! (m.t)
o0.baked sweet potato (m.t)
market (m.t)
market (m.t)

market.. (m.t)

this is the left part of our old farm (m.t)
ok.this pic. is taken frm my mum,so pictures taken by her will hav an initial '(m.t)'note tt it's for mum-taken(means photo taken by mum)so this is a 45 min walk frm the old farm,i didn go,i was at the new farm^^it's a gan ji(market)

the left side frm outside the old farm(see!!!i can't even go out 4 a gd walk!no shops,onli tie chang) (m.t)
the right side frm outside the old farm (m.t)
opps..-mum!!!y did u take such a photo?!--blush-i mean it's just SO TASTY!!!!any1 would wanna lick their fingers-feels small-(in between the 2 houses) (m.t)

a closer look frm behind the scene -giggles-
this is E wonderful sweet potato.-sniff-mmm...smells gd,-crisp-mmm....tastes gd too.^^
WOW! don't it make you wanna taste it?!well,wait no more!jump into the picture n grasp 1!!!-giggles-
my dad n my 4th uncle checking the coal be4 bbqing
blurred picture -sorry!-tt basket is the uncooked ba qua
okok,now THE REAL thing.^^ members of our family bbqing our handmade ba qua^^
the charcoal be4 bbqing
the whole family of xiao gu^^
cousin-sean and my mum(be4 goin,airport)
yea,we were havin bbq(erm,the famous handmade 'ba qua' in our family)heehee tt's my 3rd shu gong
look at the car here!so dusty tt i can make a flower! ^^

hey guys!the temp here is gettin lower day by day,it is expected 2 snow alittle these few days.it's 1 degree outside just now,in office now,so warm though ^^ ok,this post is bout photos!!!!!!!n videos,videos frm my father on e way 2 my ancestors house,I'm the 23rd batch -heehee-lol..well,the craving stopped at my father's generation.-too bad-^^ the bbq is on the 1st night


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